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Currently cheating on London with Melbourne, United Kingdom

Monday 6 June 2011

The death of the 30 sec TVC

I can only hope...

It surprises me that from the mass produced, commodity driven 1950s where a 30 sec TV advert would provide glorious results for soap powder, many advertisers still rely on the 30 sec TVC to represent their brand, hoping the silver bullet effect will still resonate.

Of course, TV is a great way to broadcast your message to the world. Indeed, the power of a Superbowl advert has become as significant as the game itself. Warning though clients... Those TVs are the best of the best.

Why are they so good? Why do people give a crap...well, it's because they're good! They're are short films...art in their own right. There sole function is to wow. That's why they work. These adverts aren't worried about selling units per se. These adverts are all about one up man-ship. These are put on the planet to create WOM. These are the game changers for some brands in one, worldwide, fell swoop!

Why are advertisers still obsessed with their 30 sec TVC making a difference in the everyday? 90% are bland, personality void, selling messages. Non-engaging, that 1950s silverbullet we all scoff at.

Whatcha laughing at?? This is how it still is day to day in agencies all over the world.

How about, brands facilitate art, that content we all want to see? Brand funded, decent content, when the likes of the BBC can't justify the license fee anymore?? How about instead of loads of product placement, it's just that next screen series you LOVE, brought to you, by that brand you love?? Google live and die by relevancy, creating a good brand experience for their users. Why in TV land do we expect are audience to put up with it?

Imagine a world where you're about to get to the big reveal, without shouting at the 3 min ad break with all the TV commercials you don't really give a hoot about, only to tell them to naff off. Don't even get me started on mid-rolls in VoD services. Why laden a relevant, content someone has chosen to find and engage with, spend your time frustrating them with 4 adverts mid-content??

We're all talking about how content is KING. How about we treat it with some respect? Brands, and agencies need to shake things up and set some ground rules in place. We're all consumers here...how about we listen to ourselves?

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